Tim Ferriss, Ray Dalio & Gary Vynerchuk – Managing life with Bipolar

Tim Ferriss, Ray Dalio & Gary Vynerchuk – Managing life with Bipolar


How can you remain on top of bipolar or depression symptoms to ensure they don’t control your life? Ray Dalio gives practical tips to Tim Ferriss and Gary Vaynerchuk for anyone in need.

Raymond Thomas Dalio ‘Ray Dalio’ is an American billionaire investor, author, and hedge fund manager, who has served as co-chief investment officer of the world’s largest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, since 1985.

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As a mental health champion, Tim Ferriss called in on the GaryVee Video Experience by Gary Vaynerchuk, where Ray Dalio was a guest.

Tim Farriss asked for advice from Ray for people living with bipolar and depression.

“My question is for Ray. could you give any advice to people who are watching and listening to this who have struggled with or struggle with depression or bipolar disorder challenges?” 

Ray Dalio offered practical advice as a father with a bipolar son.

“I’m an expert on it. I have a son who’s bipolar, and he’s gone through the whole thing. I can give a lot (of advice).”

According to Dario, the only way to live a successful, normal life, even with bipolar is by:

  • Going through a treatment program and taking your medicine.
  • Get to bed before 11 pm to manage the biorhythm in the brain.

Tim Farriss seconded the advice about going to bed by 11 pm, saying it had been an incredible intervention and preventative measure for managing his mental health.

“I’ve found that going to bed by 11:00 or certainly before midnight, even though it’s historically been a night owl, is a really effective intervention or a preventative measure.”

  • Meditating

“In his case, meditation helped him a lot. It helped him keep centered.” Ray on his son.

“And the meditation, whether it’s transmittal meditation-it’s also a fantastic way to tune the awareness of your emotional state so that you don’t get carried away by the story that you tell yourself.” – Tim Ferris.

  • Keep ultra clean

“And most importantly, don’t do substance abuse in any way. Keep ultra-clean.”


Patience with medication

He mentioned that, at first, getting the medication right may take a while since it requires fine-tuning to suit the patient’s needs.

“You have to realize that tuning that medicine will take a while. It’s a little bit of this and a little bit of that.”

You can still lead a happy, successful life even with bipolar 

Ray Dalio added that his son’s bipolar diagnosis had not stopped him from becoming a successful man with a good life. In fact, his son, Paul Dalio, has done a movie and other amazing things with his life.

“And by the way, he’s totally successful, he’s totally together, and he went through the journey. He did a movie called Touched With Fire. It conveys it.”

This shows that someone can lead a healthy and normal life even with bipolar, depression, or other mental health issues.

Are you a man interested in living a happy, fulfilling life even with bipolar or any other mental health condition? Mensgroup is an online men-only support group for men interested in improving their mental health. In Mensgroup, you can learn how to lead a happy, fulfilled life despite your diagnosis.


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