What is some dating advice for men? How do men date effectively? What is the best dating advice to give someone? What are the best dating tips for men? Why do men need dating advice? This article answers all these questions and more.
Hi. My name is Sean Galla. I have been facilitating online support groups, including relationship support groups for men, for more than 10 years. In my years of work, I have enjoyed working with men and helping them find their way to healthy relationships.
If you have been wondering how you can enjoy healthy dating as a man, you have just landed in the right place. This article has everything you need to know about dating as a man, including tried and tested dating advice for men that will see you thrive in your dating life.
Table of Contents:
Men and Dating
Generally, physical or online dating can seem complicated. As it is often said, men are from Mars, and women are from Venus. This anecdote is used to show how different men and women are. Because of these differences, dating can often seem complicated without proper understanding or guidelines.
Men often face different issues when it comes to dating. When these issues are not addressed, dating can seem difficult for most men. This forces them to prefer the easier hook-up route common on dating apps where they don’t have to woo, date or have anything that requires them to connect emotionally with their love interests.
One of the most pressing issues that make it difficult for most men to thrive in the dating scene is their inability to express their emotions or say how they feel, which is a turn-off to most women.
This often stems from an upbringing where small boys are made to believe that one has to be tough and emotionally unavailable to be a man. Through these generational beliefs of what a man is, men grow up lonely and unable to express their emotions or even talk about their feelings, even to their best friends. This affects their ability to build connections or even date.
Men and women generally want and value different things when it comes to relationships. While most women are more interested in a commitment, most men, especially those dating after divorce, are interested in physical intimacy. Also, women are more inclined to communicate their feelings verbally, which is often difficult for men.
Most men use physical intimacy to express themselves in a new relationship. This can often cause disagreements where the partners feel as though the man is more interested in physical intimacy than a deeper connection.
The good thing is that for the first time love, relationships, and dating don’t have to be complicated for men. Having and enjoying a healthy dating life is all about learning how best to approach different issues.
Here is everything you need to know about dating as a man in this generation.
Why is dating harder for men?
In a lot of ways, dating is usually a big no for most men. This is mostly because of the misconception about gender roles. While the dating scene has undergone a revolution, some traditional dating rules place a lot of mental load on men when it comes to dating. Often, failure to meet these expectations sets up the man to fail.
For instance, a lot of women believe that it is the man’s role to make the first move, even when both parties are interested. Therefore, when a man fails to walk up to them in the moment, they assume this is a show of disinterest.
Because of this long-standing gender role and expectations, women often take a more passive role, causing a stalemate in the situation.
It is also common for men to be blamed for miscommunication after the first date. Factors like how long they take to communicate after a date or how long after they ask for a second date are used to gauge their level of interest, which is often not accurate.
All these factors play a role in making dating daunting and somewhat difficult for men.
If you are a guy struggling with flirting and dating, learning how to save a relationship can go a long way in making it easier to score that first date or keep your relationship interesting.
Dating advice for men – everything you need to know about dating
Set clear dating goals
People date for different reasons. Some people date with the intention of finding a serious relationship; others date to test the waters and see what options are out there. Some men are happy with their single life but occasionally crave the company of a partner, while others hate being alone and want to get into a long-term relationship.
Whatever your dating goal is, you need to be clear about it. Knowing what you want and why will make it easier when choosing your dating partners.
Get out there
Meeting a life partner can get harder if you are not putting yourself out there. In order to improve your dating game, you need to find opportunities to interact with people you’ve never met before.
You need to move past your nerves and start finding situations that make it easy for you to meet new people. This can include going out to clubs or events.
Meet people in person and online
The world is a technologically advances village. Thanks to the internet and numerous online dating tips, you can meet people virtually from anywhere in the world through sites like Tinder. Even as you work on your online persona, you can blend it in with dating women locally.
Putting yourself out there in different ways expands your dating pool. Do not limit yourself when finding someone with shared interests. You can meet them anywhere.
Stop overthinking about flirting
Flirting is a challenging part of dating. Any dating expert will tell you, flirting fails when you overthink it or try to do it like you see your favorite social media influencers do it instead of relying on your natural charm.
When talking to someone new, imagine you are chatting to a friend or family. This will take the pressure off and just allow the conversation to flow. This way, you can relax and be yourself and watch the magic happen.
Don’t wait too long to plan a first date
There is a very thin line between dating and being stuck in the friend zone. Once you start to pursue a potential, you need to make plans for your first date ASAP. If you like them and would want to see if dating them will work, ask them out as early on in the talking stages as possible.
Make all the plans for your first date
If you make the first move and ask someone out, you need to make all the plans for the first date. As a nice guy, you need to pick a suitable location, date and time and communicate the same to the girl you are taking on the date.
Avoid loud places, they are often red flags and will make conversations difficult, but also remember to pick a place within your budget. You stand a better chance with them if it looks like you put effort into the first date.
Remember, first impressions matter
One of the best dating advice for men is to put their best leg forward on the first date. First impressions are always critical, especially when trying to woo a new love interest.
Take some time to pick an ideal outfit that will suit the occasion and restaurant you are going to. Come up with some conversation starters to avoid awkward silence moments. Remember to smell nice and maintain eye contact.
Keep your phone away and engage in uninterrupted conversation
This goes back to making a good first impression. While most people are tethered to their phones, it is important to show priority for the date by keeping your gadget away. You should avoid being on your phone and focus on having meaningful conversations with your date.
Being on the phone while on a date comes off as rude and is often a sign of disinterest or lacking things in common. Put the phone to silence for the entirety of the date.
Avoid coming on too strong
First dates are tricky, and it is often difficult to strike a healthy balance between showing interest and coming off too strong. It is important to come off as confident but not arrogant, polite but not old-fashioned or interested but not nosy.
Even if it is love at first sight for you, you should not assume that your date feels the same for you. Taking on serious long term plans talks can often be scary for your date on your first date. Therefore, you need to take things at the pace your date is comfortable with.
Join the MensGroup Support Forum
Having friends can go a long way in helping you with the right dating advice. This is especially ideal if your friends are more experienced with dating than you are.
If you do not have strong male figures you can talk to, you should consider finding a dating support group like MensGroup.
MensGroup is a safe space to talk to fellow men in confidence and privacy about everything related to self-improvement as a man in the 21st century. The group discusses different topics related to men’s dating and relationships, including how to navigate real life dating.
In MensGroup, you will meet other men with dating experience who have the right relationship advice to help you jump through dating hurdles.
You are not alone. MensGroup.com is a free space to share, learn, and grow, even as you make new friends. This is the dating coach you need.
The bottom line
Dating is not rocket science, and it certainly does not need to be daunting. Following the dating advice for men given in this article will go a long way in ensuring you thrive in the dating world. If you are still confused or jittery about dating, joining an all-men support forum like MensGroup can go a long way in helping boost your self-esteem and helping you score your first real date.